Ndungu Nyoro Discusses Mental Health
On June 3rd and July 2nd, Ndungu Nyoro discussed the topic of mental health on a live Facebook event. A number of professionals from St. Martin and survivors of mental illness participated and shared experiences of St. Martin's pilot projet in mental health. This event is part of the activities for the St. Martin CSA's 20th anniversary.
CPPD Programme Moves to L'Arche Kenya
On April 1 2019, the Community Programme for People with Disabilities (CPPD) moved to L'Arche Kenya. This was in line with the integration timeline guiding the transition of CPPD from St. Martin C.S.A to L’Arche Kenya. The programme changed its title from CPPD and will henceforth be known as "Disability Outreach Programme".
With the help of paperboard
The Community Programme for People with Disabilities (CPPD) was invited to participate at the Kenyatta University Disability Awareness Day taking place on March 22, 2019. Especially the Applied Paper Technology (APT) drew interest from Hon. Dr Isaac Mwaura, C.B.S M.P, a former M.P and currently a nominated senator representing the people with disabilities in the Senate.
The Importance of Participating
Recently the Community Programme for Peace and Reconciliation (CPPR) launched an activity geared towards mobilizing members of the public to participate in the county governance. It aimed to educate and sensitize the public on the importance of participating in public life, especially during the budget-making process.
Testimonial: Dancing with the Wolves
My name is John Muritu Mbuthia, a community volunteer from Sipili in Laikipia County. I volunteer with Saint Martin Catholic Social Apostolate in the Community Programme for Peace and Reconciliation. Saint Martin Catholic Social Apostolate is a religious grass-roots organization based in Nyahururu that addresses issues facing the society through community volunteers. This is achieved by promoting solidarity in the community and capacity building.
Day on African Child 2018
Leave no child for Africa's Development: This was the theme of the celebration of the day of the African Child 2018 that is celebrated every year on 16th June. This year the day was celebrated at Nyahururu Primary School and brought together children from various schools, charitable children institutions from across Laikipia County
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 2018
June 26 marks the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was established in 1987 by the United Nations General Assembly, this day serves as a reminder of the goal agreed to of creating an international society free of drug abuse.
No Health Without Mental Health
On 10 October every year, the world celebrates the World Mental Health Day. This year St. Martin CSA organized the first ever world mental health day celebration in Laikipia County. These celebrations were held in Oljabet town which is a small rural town near Nyahururu to raise the awareness for mental health and available support services. About 300 people from all walks of life attended the event.
Testimonial: From Dependence to Independence
My name is Jane. I am 27 years old and a single mother of 2. My story is about a transition from a cloudy and dark past when I depended on other people and trusted them with my life to the current status where I am now in charge of my life. My troubles began early in my life when my parents separated after a prolonged period of difficult family relations. His departure did not bring peace; instead, it pushed my family into poverty. My mother and the three of us started going hungry and missing out on education.
Mental Health Fundraising 2021
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