The solution to problems lies in the community
The solution to problems lies in the community
Information enables solidarity
The project targets 72 primary schools in Laikipia County. In each school, a platform for children to air their views is created through the Children’s Government where children leaders are empowered to become change agents. Children, members of these governments are trained on child rights and responsibilities, meaningful child participation, role of children as duty bearers, lifeskills, public interaction skills and methods of awareness creation.
Building a Secure Environment for Children to Flourish
The Dumisha Amani project is driven by a crucial objective: to contribute to a secure environment where children can grow and develop. We recognize the profound impact of conflicts on children and young people, both directly and indirectly. In our project area, many children have suffered violations, been forced into perpetuating violence, and experienced the loss of loved ones. They have endured physical harm, displacement, education deprivation, and sexual abuse and exploitation. The consequences of conflict extend beyond the immediate, hindering economic and social development and impeding the holistic growth and development of children. With Dumisha Amani, we strive to create a brighter and safer future for every child.
Breaking the chains of silence. By empowering communities to take a stand, we're unleashing the strength of women and empowering them to combat gender-based violence head-on. Together, we'll create a world free from fear and oppression. Read more … Empowering Women and Girls: Unleashing the Voices of Change.
People affected by drug abuse and mental illness struggle with various life challenges that puts pressure on the mental wellbeing. This is not limited only to those who are directly affected but also the significant others and other members of the family. The programme therefore adopted a household approach in offering counseling services including family therapy to ensure psychological wellness of the entire family. These services are offered under the auspices of the community counseling centre where the programme mobilizes counselors from the community who in turn offer free services to clients using St. Martin facilities.