
The solution to problems lies in the community

COVID Support
Only Through Community

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COVID Support
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After 16 years in Kenya, Fr. Mariano Dal Ponte has been called back to Italy by his Bishop to receive new tasks. Fr. Mariano has lead St. Martin CSA with great success. His loving care and joyful openness have transformed our organisation and its staff. We are full of gratitude for the time we could spend with him and the changes he brought to our lives and the lives of our beneficiaries.

And we are happy to welcome Irene Iwamithi who will take up the office of the director. Irene is a lawyer from Nyahururu who has been a volunteer for St. Martin CSA for 20 years. Her intimate knowledge of the organisation regarding structure and functioning as well as the St. Martin CSA approach enable her perfectly to continue the work of St. Martin CSA in the same spirit and to the benefit of the communities.