The celebration started with the coming together of volunteers and community members in Ol Moran Deliverance Church where St. Martin CSA handed over the anniversary torch to the community of Ol Moran. After prayers and a few speeches, all the participants left for the market place with a procession displaying messages of good-will and well wishes to St. Martin CSA.
The market place provided a perfect place to appreciate the community of Ol Moran for their commitment in the service towards the vulnerable people in their community. In particular, we wished to thank the community of Ol Moran for teaching us about faith and solidarity. Ol Moran is a semi-arid area with lots of hardships but this has not prevented the community from supporting the vulnerable people in the midst. As a community, they have taught us what faith is and how to be in solidarity with the needy.
The celebrations continued at a smaller scale throughout the week. People gathered in small Christian communities and other organized groups to reflect deeper on the 20 years of service to the needy through St Martin CSA. The climax of this celebration was on Sunday, August 18, when we met Christians in three different churches i.e. the Deliverance Church, Kenya Assemblies of God and the Catholic Church. We gave them an input based on the gospel of the wedding at Cana guided by the theme "Footsteps of Gratitude and Openness". We concluded the Ol Moran celebration by handing over the anniversary torch to volunteers from the Sipili zone. Join us on August 24 and September 1 as we celebrate with the Sipili zone community, or do we say Spaniards as we fondly refer to them?