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Maurice Muthiga - The New Director Addressing the staff

Our journey began with a special celebration, the first Associates Mass of the year, where we were joined by our esteemed Founder Fr. Gabriele Pipinato, as well as our Associates from L'Arche Kenya and Talitha Kum Children's Home. Together, we reaffirmed our commitment to serving our communities and making a positive impact through our various missions.

During a recent Staff Gathering, our new Director, Maurice Muthiga, shared an inspiring message encouraging each staff member to contribute their best efforts towards our collective goals. He emphasized the importance of embracing challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation within our community.

Looking ahead, we are excited to embark on the implementation of our new Strategic Plan 2024-2028, focused on Strengthening Organizational Reach, Influence, and Impact. Every individual's contribution is valued at Saint Martin CSA, and we are encouraged to take pride in our role and work with dedication.

As we kick off this new chapter, we are filled with optimism and enthusiasm for the year ahead.  Together, we will continue to strive for excellence and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our valued partners and friends for your unwavering support and collaboration over the years. Together, let's elevate our friendship to new heights and achieve even greater success.