The livelihood programme implemented a two-pronged strategy to support marginalized women. This strategy included the grant-making model and the Self-Help Group approach, along with the ultra-poor graduation model. To enhance knowledge, the programme trained “Sustainable Livelihood Champions”. These champions then passed on their knowledge to the identified beneficiaries, ensuring a sustainable and effective transfer of skills and information. With the support from our funding partners.
Each beneficiary was given seed money to kickstart a livelihood project. Additional funds were allocated to their respective Self-Help Groups (SHGs) as a revolving fund. This fund allowed members to take out loans to bolster their livelihoods. Despite their marginalized status and financial challenges, the SHGs have managed to save over Ksh 100,000 since their inception.
Impact on beneficiaries
By December 2023, all the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) had reached the performing stage, indicating their successful progression through the various stages of development. The beneficiaries recognized and appreciated the transformative power of SHGs. One beneficiary shared, “Most of us are destitute and we never had a saving mentality, but now we see the difference that saving makes and the future seems bright. The Self-Help Group approach is our salvation. By doing this, we are saving people’s lives!”
The Self-Help Groups (SHGs) have opened new opportunities for their members to improve their livelihoods. For example, they have been connected with other development actors like the Akili group, which is running a carbon credit initiative. Through their SHG, 72 beneficiaries were enrolled in this project, receiving eco-friendly energy cookstoves. This initiative, which runs for 15 years, promises more benefits along the way. Potential development actors such as the Once Acre Fund and the County Government of Laikipia are set to engage with the SHGs, further expanding their opportunities. One beneficiary shared, “Nowadays I need 2 pieces of firewood to prepare the entire meal as opposed to the other days when I didn’t have this cookstove.”
The Livelihood project has not only increased assets but also brought families closer together. One member shared, “My son, who has a disability, has an attachment to looking after goats. Because I was unable to have one, I decided to take him to his uncle. Through this project, I am able to buy a goat and my son is now at home taking care of it!
Members of the Self-Help Groups (SHGs), particularly caregivers of persons living with disabilities,and mental illness, survivors of gender based violence have found the SHGs to be a valuable platform. These groups provide a space where they can come together, share their experiences, and discuss the challenges they face. The pillars of the self-help groups foster a sense of community, enabling members to socially interact and support each other. This collective approach not only helps address individual issues but also strengthens the group’s overall resilience and capacity to navigate their circumstances.