The solution to problems lies in the community

Standing Together on Suicide Prevention Awareness Day: A Call for Hope and Action
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According to the National Drought Management Authority (NDMA) of Kenya, Laikipia is among the 23 counties that are susceptible to drought. The Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of this county constitute more than 80% of the country’s total land area. This resulted in over 2 million people facing severe food insecurity in 2021. In this severe drought, the ultra-poor and marginalized individuals, including those affected by gender-based violence, mental health issues, disabilities, and marginalized women and children, face the greatest hardship. Their reliance on agriculture-based livelihoods and limited alternatives exacerbates their struggle to make ends meet. In response to the challenges faced by the ultra-poor and marginalized individuals, St Martin introduced Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in 2023. The aim was to support these individuals to restart, diversify, and strengthen their livelihoods through training and financial support. The members, grouped into teams of 10-13, voluntarily saved money and participated in capacity-building activities focused on livelihood opportunities resilient livelihoods even amidst the adversities of drought. Through this initiative, the livelihood programme has made a significant impact. It has supported 238 beneficiaries across 21 Self-Help Groups (SHGs). These individuals have been able to restart, strengthen, and diversify their livelihoods, thanks to the training they received. Despite the harsh climate conditions, they have shown remarkable resilience, adapting their livelihoods to withstand the challenges.
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The Amani clubs were Established in 2014 through a collaboration between the National Cohesion and Integration Commission and the Ministry of Education, Amani Clubs are fostering a culture of peace and understanding in Kenyan schools. These student-centered groups aim to promote good relations, harmony, and peaceful co-existence, not just within schools, but also extending to the surrounding communities.
Amani Clubs empower young people to address issues of ethnicity and diversity head-on, planting seeds of tolerance and appreciation for different cultures. They equip students with the skills to navigate challenges peacefully and inspire them to become responsible citizens who promote peace in their daily lives. The clubs stand as a testament to the power of education in transforming societies and building a more peaceful world.
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Safeguarding vulnerable adults training
We believe in a world where every individual's rights and well-being are safeguarded, especially the vulnerable adults among us. It is our collective responsibility as St. Martin CSA to protect and empower those who may be at risk. On Friday 9th to Saturday 10th June 2023 we will be having a training on safeguarding vulnerable adults to our staff so that they are better equiped.
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Empowering Sustainable Livelihood Champions
For more than two decades, St. Martin CSA has been helping vulnerable people and at-risk communities cope with shocks and disasters ranging from the effects of political violence, drought and Covid 19. In 2022, the country experienced its worst drought in 40 years. To a greater extent, the livelihoods of the people of Nyandarua, Laikipia and Baringo counties, where St. Martin has been strengthening community capacities to care for and empower vulnerable people often depend on agriculture and the direct consumption of natural resources. The drought that has been witnessed in the country for 3 consecutive years and with severe impact on the ASALs including in Laikipia and Nyandarua counties has reversed gains made in improving the quality of life of households affected by disabilities, HIV/AIDs, mental illness, gender-based violence and violent conflicts and families with children living in a difficult social situation that excludes them from the rest of society. The quality of life in these 3 counties is directly influenced by the condition of their environment. As a result of the effects of climate variability and climate change, we have witnessed an increased number of households transitioning from food-secure households to food-insecure households, while those food-insecure households are now food hungry.
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